Handbuilding Workshop - October
Handbuilding Workshop - October
Beginners Level
Service Description
Come and learn how to make small plant pots. Not only do you learn handbuilding skills you will learn how to decorate ceramics. Be artistically independent or have full guidance from start to finish! All materials included, plus glazing and firing! Book your spot today and unleash your creativity
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation * Cancellations must be made by email. * Cancellations within 14 days of the start date will be charged the full fee. * Extenuating circumstances will be considered if you need to cancel within 2 weeks. Rescheduling * Requests to rearrange a class/course will not be honoured due to affecting the course structure and class timetable. * Any requests to rearrange due to personal illness will be at Sarah's discretion and not guaranteed. Substitution * A substitute attendee may be named by the booking party at any time before the class, workshop or course at no additional cost. Please contact us via email to arrange. * Please note these classes are not for people under the age of 16.
Contact Details
Mill Lane, Halton, Lancaster LA2 6ND, UK